Sunday, August 30, 2009

Top 5 Lies of Principle Investigators

Top 5 Lies of Principle Investigators

You have told them or heard them, but either way it is good to know what everyone is talking about. Ok, so these are not all lies, but hopefully you get the idea…

1) “It shouldn’t be that hard.”
Really means, “I am pretty sure that it is not impossible.”

2) “It won’t take that long.”
Whatever magical timeline has been presented, just triple it.

3) “Could you ______”
Science is passive agressive this means ‘do it or else.’

4) “I would love to see _____ in your dissertation”
This request will never stop and will be replaced by ‘paper’ soon after graduating

5) “What I would like us to work on…”
It is going to be you, alone late at night, crying yourself to sleep


Tsiribim tsiribom

Apla foberi skini!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

...and so it begins